Naruto Shippuden: Dragon Blade Chronicles. This is an action game is a pc intriguing title of Naruto Shippuden, in an alternate reality where they must prevent the resurrection of undragon using the sword Ryujin. In Story Mode, players have the ability to control two of the most famous franchises and Sasuke.Le Naruto game has a history quite independent of the mangait is possible to compete in two-player Battle Mode. this new story in a game, Hebi Konoha, and Akatsukis.
-Console: PC
-Language (s):

-Genre: Acrtion
-Format: IS0
-Released :06-04-2011
-Size: 1.16GB
-Language (s):


-Genre: Acrtion
-Format: IS0
-Released :06-04-2011
-Size: 1.16GB