Download Duke Nukem Forever pc game

Duke Nukem Forever pc

Duke Nukem Forever is a shooter first-person pc.Si hero Duke Nukem aliens exterminated its first since 1991 is especially Duke Nukem 3D which made the character famous in 1996.Alors forget all the incidents that led the project accruing to Gearbox Software after over 13 years of development at 3D Realms, and slippers. their dreams have become reality in a world flooded with hordes of alien invaders, so Nyukem Duke is back!

Duke Nukem Forever pcDuke Nukem Forever pc

Duke Nukem Forever pcDuke Nukem Forever pc

Game Publisher: 2K Games
Developer : Gearbox Software
Type Game: FPS
 minimum Config: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.0 Ghz, 1GB RAM, GeForce 7600 256 MB, Win XP/Vista/7



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